The vote from last week was technically tied but I happened to send Melissa an email after she voted because I thought that she would love Taylor Pyatt. I was right and she was sad that she didn't vote for him. Her adoration of his beautiful eyes serves as a sufficient tie-breaker so, without further ado, your HBOTW is Taylor Pyatt!
For my non-hockey ladies, here's some info: He plays for the Phoenix Coyotes right now and that sucks because, it's the Phoenix Coyotes. He's 28 years old but I think he still looks like a hot 15 year old. Is that wrong? There's just something about him that makes me think mysterious high school kid.
I'm mesmerized by his crooked smile and his hint of chest hair. Look closely. Yum.
He just looks like a nice, normal guy, doesn't he? And there's a serious lack of nice, normal guys, at least around here.
What's he doing with his mouth here? It doesn't matter because he still looks good. I think he should always try to play for teams that have blue jerseys because it's ridiculously flattering on him. Even if he played for San Jose, I think he'd still look good and that's a hard look to pull off. (Come on, a hockey team's colors should not include deep pacific teal.)
So for next week, I'm thinking we should have an Old Man Week. Every day next week, I'll feature some relics of the NHL, some of which may be retired, all of which will be old enough to be my dad but I'd still totally marry them. PLUS, next weekend is my epic roadtrip to the east, including my first time in Toronto, my visit to the Hockey Hall of Fame and the Maple Leafs/Red Wings game.
So here's your vote for this week...
Which jersey do I wear to the Leafs/Wings game? Who do I cheer for?
I'm already so conflicted over this. Here's the real dilemma... I have 2 current Red Wings jerseys but my Datsyuk jersey is the one with all the autographs on it. I tend to only wear that one for special events (like Stanley Cup clinching games) and only at Joe Louis Arena because the last thing I need is a beer thrown at me and fucking up my autographed jersey, yes? So that leaves my Red Wings jersey choice down to my road Osgood jersey. I love Ozzie but right now? I'm pissed at him. He's playing all crazy-like and I don't appreciate it. He's making Jimmy Howard look like a viable option and I just cannot accept that. The other choice is my new blank home Leafs jersey. It's just a tough decision. Advice?
Also, if you've been to Toronto before, give advice. Where to go? What do I need to see? Good places to eat? Where do I go to get drunk after the game? (Heh, who am I kidding? You know I mean before the game!)
So for next week, I'm thinking we should have an Old Man Week. Every day next week, I'll feature some relics of the NHL, some of which may be retired, all of which will be old enough to be my dad but I'd still totally marry them. PLUS, next weekend is my epic roadtrip to the east, including my first time in Toronto, my visit to the Hockey Hall of Fame and the Maple Leafs/Red Wings game.
So here's your vote for this week...
Which jersey do I wear to the Leafs/Wings game? Who do I cheer for?
I'm already so conflicted over this. Here's the real dilemma... I have 2 current Red Wings jerseys but my Datsyuk jersey is the one with all the autographs on it. I tend to only wear that one for special events (like Stanley Cup clinching games) and only at Joe Louis Arena because the last thing I need is a beer thrown at me and fucking up my autographed jersey, yes? So that leaves my Red Wings jersey choice down to my road Osgood jersey. I love Ozzie but right now? I'm pissed at him. He's playing all crazy-like and I don't appreciate it. He's making Jimmy Howard look like a viable option and I just cannot accept that. The other choice is my new blank home Leafs jersey. It's just a tough decision. Advice?
Also, if you've been to Toronto before, give advice. Where to go? What do I need to see? Good places to eat? Where do I go to get drunk after the game? (Heh, who am I kidding? You know I mean before the game!)