Thursday, October 22, 2009

At the risk of sounding like a girl...

It's Thursday! It's Hockey Boy of the Week day!!!!!

How did this all start? A few weeks ago I was slacking off at work- a shock, I know. While perusing pictures of young, gorgeous hockey players, I decided that my non-hockey obsessed female colleagues could surely appreciate the wonder that is Viktor Stalberg. It wasn't fair to keep him all to myself. Thus began the Hockey Boy of the Week emails.


Within 5 minutes of sending out the first ever HBOTW email, I get a request to feature Sidney Crosby. This caused quite an uproar considering I harbor an unwarranted hatred for him. I set this aside and wrote a half-assed email about how Sidney won the Cup and how he can't grow a playoff beard to save his life. This email concluded with a vote. Is Crosby hot? The answer was no. The answer was overwhelmingly no. And I was happy.

To make up for all of the bad karma from last week, this week's HBOTW is Henrik Zetterberg.


Soooooooooo pretty. I don't even think I need to say much. Just look.

He wins the Stanley Cup.

He hangs out on docks.

He chills out wearing only a towel and looks deep into your soul. There's nothing better than this. Nothing. Better.

So seriously, I have no idea what we can even vote on this week. I don't think there's a question of if he's hot. So the question I'm posing to you is this:

Who should be HBOTW next week, solely based off of their name:
Henrik Lundqvist
Taylor Pyatt
Mike Cammalleri

Vote in the comments, kiddies. Or argue with me. Either way. Also, from looking at my 'list of candidates', I definitely have a type. I most definitely definitely definitely have a type of guy that I like. Heh.


  1. Zetterberg is growing on me...

    and PYatt for next week, based only on name

  2. i vote pyatt, cammalleri is too close to cavalari as in kristen as in laguna beach

  3. Mindy is having technical difficulties but she emailed this: "I’ll go with Henrik Lundqvist. He sounds foreign and foreign boys are always hottt. LOL"

  4. I vote Henrik Lundqvist!!
