Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Appy polly loggies!

I know I said that after H2H I would really start updating more frequently again. Unfortunately, that was the last thing I wrote so basically I completely lied about that. But maybe you're giving me the benefit of the doubt and thinking, "Well, Leslie, surely you were doing something important. Perhaps you were splitting atoms or curing cancer or cleaning up oil spills. You could've been saving humanity and that's a legit excuse. Thanks for that, by the way."

Nah, I was working.


Without going into too much detail and to make a long story as short as possible, I started working at this company last May. I worked at my job and I was good at it; not to be cocky but I was damn good at it. I was so good that in January, right after the Washington DC road trip, I was promoted and started a new job that, honestly, was nothing like my old job. I really tried to like it and I tried to adapt to it but it just wasn't a good fit for me AT ALL. At the end of April, I quit. They made me a deal that if I stayed through the end of May in the shitty position, I could just go back to my old position and work whatever hours I wanted and basically have complete freedom. I mean, yeah, it was a 50% pay cut but I was so stressed with this other job that I took them up on this offer. That means that today, June 1, was my first day back in my old position and OH MY GOD WAS IT AWESOME. Today I felt really confident that I knew what I was doing, no one was freaking out over anything and I really never thought I would miss this job as much as I did.

Anyway, the ridiculous anxiety, terror, pressure and insane work hours of my previous position kept me from doing the day to day things that I wanted to do: run and write. My 5k, 10k, half, and eventual marathon training has been on hold since I had pneumonia in February/March. Once I recovered physically, I just didn't have the strength mentally to go to the gym/outside while working 70+ hours a week (and not receiving overtime pay, mind you). There were a lot things I wanted to write about on here but it came down to actually having time to watch/attend games for the Wings and the Walleye or being able to write about them. I chose watching the games, for obvious reasons, and basically gave up writing anything. For the last half of the hockey season, I was really a miserable bitch.

I've been really upset about how things have gone these last few months. I took this promotion because I thought it was a step forward in my eventual career but it turns out I was chasing a large paycheck and I took four steps backward. I missed out on a lot of hockey-related things in the last few months and I actually kinda almost regret that (and I'm not big on regrets). The important thing here is that 1) I learned my lesson 2) I feel 1,000,000x better now and 3) there's always next season :)

I'm back, bitches.

PS-Bonus cool points if you know what the title is from. It's only my favorite movie ever so you better know it.

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