Thursday, November 5, 2009

At the risk of sounding like a girl...

I completely forgot it was Thursday so when I thought, "Who's hot today?" I, for some unexplained reason, thought about Patrick Sharp. Who knows where thoughts come from? They just appear. Mm-hmm.

You're not my friend if you don't understand this reference.

I don't actually know, well, anything about Patrick Sharp. He plays for Chicago. That's all I got. To the internet I went and this is what I learned:

- He was born in 1981. That's good since I have a habit of picking hockey players that are younger than me. Let's just say that one of my co-workers called me a "24 year old cougar" the other day. I resent that. It's not my fault that Viktor Stalberg is only 23 and Cory Emmerton can only recently buy alcohol.

-HE'S CANADIAN. I swear, I will explain this soon but it's so important.

-I think he might be the most boring guy ever. It doesn't make him not attractive but I literally can't find anything about him. Perhaps we could label him as under-rated then? Since no one talks about him. Under-the-radar? Perhaps it's because his teammates get all the publicity, whether it's an actual news story or not. (Exhibit A and Exhibit B)

Fuck it, here's some pictures via my Google Image Searching skillz, yo.

I like the tousled, just-got-out-of-bed hair.

Power stance!

Fuck yeah. Raw Emotion. Soooooo hot.


I believe that I found Patrick Sharp's weakness: wearing a suit and not looking goofy. I don't think he can do it. This is the best I could find:

See what I mean?
Let's end on a good note.
I don't think I need to explain the appeal of this photo for me.

That's much better!

Tomorrow begins my road trip with stops in Rochester, Buffalo and Toronto and it's going to be amazing. Lots of pictures and drunken stories to look forward to!

I would like to add that I officially finished writing this at 1:37. That's an excellent time.


  1. Yay! A shoutout to Cory Emmerton!

  2. I think you mentioned him last night at dinner so I was thinking about him, haha. I thought you'd enjoy that.

  3. Thanks for not making me do the research into if he is or isn't Canadien.

  4. Awesome. I can't spell. Canadian.
